Thursday, October 9, 2008

Short night, long day

Tuesday I did some work in the morning, then went to actual work in the evening. Didn't get home until 11:30, then spent too long figuring out travel plans. The good news is I'll be in Minnesota from the evening of the 22nd through the early morning of the 27th. The bad news is I didn't sleep nearly long enough Tuesday night.

Wednesday morning I had to open, which was hard on not enough sleep. Then, I had to serve Laura Cunningham, who is the Service Maven of TKRG (and also Chef Keller's significant other). Luckily she was really nice and everything went well, I think. I was pretty beat after work, though. Went home, had soup, then went back into the city to meet Matt. We went to see Ben's band, Station 23, play a show, which was fun, but I started to feel the affects of my cold and not enough sleep and by the time I got home I felt pretty awful. Blech.

(A note: I feel better now)

1 comment:

jshawflamm said...

Hanging around with all the Bouchon hot shots, eh?

Hope your cold is soon history.