Friday, September 26, 2008

I would marry you in the eye of a hurricane in the middle of a snowstorm on top of a monsoon.

Thursday I worked in the morning, then went to pick up my veggies. This week I got:

-Yukina Savoy cabbage
-Lettuce mix
-Summer squash

The estimated grocery store cost: $38.00

Went home and relaxed, then went to Matt's for Indian food and the season premiere of "The Office," which is the source of the title of this post. That show is so funny.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I was expecting a MONSTER ORCHID!

Tuesday I walked myself to the Botanic Gardens in search of this really rare orchid that was blooming in "captivity". It was supposed to be like 12 feet across, so I figured I'd better check it out. It was a lovely day to be outside enjoying some nature, but it turns out that while the orchid plant is big (maybe 6 feet across) the blooms are regular sized. Everyone seemed disappointed, which was pretty humorous. Still enjoyed myself. Got groceries on the way back, had lunch, and went to work. Late night, and then I wasn't paying attention and missed my transfer, so I ended up just going above ground and catching a cab. Doh!

Wednesday morning was hard, since I had to open, but I made it ok. Had a good day at work, came home and crashed, then made dinner with Matt and watched TV with Randy.

Enjoying the last of the weather

Sunday I slept late, then Matt and I got bagels for breakfast. Met Rafi and took some snacks to Prospect Park and enjoyed the beautiful day. Walked back and watched some cooking shows, which are so relaxing. Then we ate leftovers (I'm finally cooking enough to need a "clean out the fridge" night) and watched the Emmys, which were only exciting because Tina Fey won a lot of times.

Monday I did my laundry, answered emails, did some writing, and hung out. Worked on the show with Ethan, and we're really closing in on the first draft, which means having to deal with some of the hard parts we've been putting off. Grabbed an eggplant and went to Matt's for eggplant parmesan.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Family Dinners

Friday I worked the morning. We've gotten a lot busier in the last couple days, it's like fall has finally arrived. Went home and chilled, then Randy, Matt, and I made dinner. We had enchiladas, corn on the cob, and salad. Mmm.

Saturday I worked in the morning and had a really good shift. Just felt really on top of things. Had some sushi so I would make it, then went downtown and met Ali, Phil, their two friends, and Matt at Bianca for dinner. It was great to see her/him/them, and we had a lovely dinner. Too soon we had to walk them to the train. Thanks for seeing us! Matt and I wandered around, I bought some tights and he bought a sweater that actually fits him, and then we met up with Rafi, Sarah Pumroy, and her boyfriend Travis at Crocodile Lounge. Eventually moved to Telephone Bar, and enjoyed catching up.

Matchless indeed

Thursday I worked during the day, then went to pick up my CSA share. This week I got:

-Green beans
-Swiss Chard
Approx. grocery store cost: $30.00

Put away the veggies, made myself squash pancakes for dinner, then met Matt and headed up to Greenpoint to see Hannah play a show at Bar Matchless. It was her best show yet, and over 30 people were there, and it was a wonderful night. Make an album, Hannah!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here are the veggie photos from the last couple weeks:
I have no idea how this is going to format, but there's the photo evidence, at least.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Since the beginning of September,

-I had a lovely dinner with Kim, which gave us much needed catch-up time
-I had a great audition, a callback that I did a great job at, and then...nothing.
-I went to the dentist, and my teeth look good.
-I went to see shows three nights in a row: "Spitfire Grill," my friend Kate's solo piano show, and Matt's friend Jackie's band's rock show.
-I did a theater piece in Battery Park, which involved me dressing up like a newsie and yelling things in public. Then photographers took pictures of me, and the director is going to make them into a comic book.
-I had dinner at Bouchon with CC and her sister Cara.
-Tony Kushner ate at Bouchon and I brought him his coffee. This was the same night it was announced that he'd won a $200,000 prize for playwrighting. This is in addition to his Pulitzer, his Tonys, and his Oscar nominations. I was the only one who recognized him and knew what had just happened to him. I was so excited I couldn't handle it.


Sorry I've been so terrible about blogging. If it's any consolation, I've been getting a lot of other things done. I will try to be better about this.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Here are the highlights for the past two weeks, aka the things I remember.

Thursday the 28th we went to Hannah's new apartment in Sunset Park to help her paint. The place is a steal, but it is also entirely electric blue. Even the bedroom ceiling. We helped start the priming process and checked out the new neighborhood.

Saturday the 30th I worked in the morning, then went to a barbecue in the evening in honor of Austin's birthday. It was fun to meet some new people, since Matt and I pretty much only knew Austin and Anja out of the guests.

Labor Day Matt and I got bagels and went to Prospect Park, where we spent quite a bit of the day reading the Times and listening to the very loud parade happening at Grand Army Plaza. Got frozen yogurt, grilled with Ethan.