Sunday, October 5, 2008

Comfort Food

Friday I went to work, and we started our pre-service meeting as usual. Then, all of a sudden, Chef Keller appeared, and the pressure level went WAY UP. I had to lead a meeting in front of one of the most famous chefs in the U.S., who also happens to be my boss. Luckily, everything went well, but I'm sure I was pretty red in the face. The rest of the shift was easy compared to that. Did some shopping, then met up with Matt to head home and make corn chowder and biscuits. He's getting over a cold, which I am now coming down with, so we had an easy night and watched "3:10 to Yuma," which I would recommend to anyone who likes Westerns and doesn't mind violence.


ADF said...

Wow, way to perform under pressure, Joey. I'm sure Chef K. was very impressed with you (did he talk to you?).

Feel better soon!

Aunt Leanne said...

Good work, Joey! I'm sure the chef was happy with you!

Hope your colds are getting better. 3:10 to Yuma...good movie. We've seen both the new Russell Crowe version and the original. Which did you watch?