Sunday, October 5, 2008

A really good day

Saturday was a really good day, despite my burgeoning cold. I went to work in the morning and we had a really great shift. Everyone did what they were supposed to do and I didn't have to stress out about anything. Amazing. Hannah and I met up after I was done and we went downtown to get coffee, but on our way to coffee we passed a Red Mango frozen yogurt place that was giving out free frozen yogurt, so we got some! We still ended up getting coffee at Grey Dog and chatting for a while, which was really nice. Matt arrived and Hannah left, and Matt and I checked out Halloween costumes. We got some tea while we killed time until Ben was ready to meet us for dinner at Zaytoon's. This was a really good day, except that by the end I was worn out because I definitely have that cold. Boo.

1 comment:

jshawflamm said...

What a great day!

Ahh, Halloween costume time!