Tuesday I worked in the morning, then headed to Coney Island for my first Burlesque Master Class. It was a total blast! My instructor knows so much and obviously loves to teach, and she has all these friends coming in as panel speakers, and the class is held in the Coney Island Museum so there are old bumper cars just sitting around. Very cool. Anyway, had a blast, then hopped back on the train and went home.
Wednesday I think I slept in and then cleaned things. Worked in the evening.
Thursday I worked behind the bar in the morning, which was great except I had to throw a guy out for the first time, which was weird. Had lots of support from the rest of the staff, and it was nothing terrible or dangerous, but it gave the shift a weird feeling. To make up for it, around two my bar included two guys who were totally in love with everything they ate, two people who it turned out were from Minnesota and had grown up across the Ford Bridge from me, and Matt, who came in after getting out of work early for the holiday weekend. How nice! Also, it turned out one of the food-loving guys knew someone I knew I high school. Weeeeird. Met up with Matt and went to pick up my CSA, which this week included:
-Bok Choy
-Red beets
-Swiss Chard
-Head of lettuce
-Salad mix
-Giant turnips
Went home, finished building my night stand, then found Ali on my doorstep! She was very tired from lugging her bags, but we dragged her to the grocery store and then had a very very late stir fry dinner. Welcome to New York, baby sister :)
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