Monday, July 28, 2008

It's been one of those months

Even when I'm doing a good job blogging, I seem to be a week behind. One of those months, I think.

Sunday the 20th (one week ago) I worked in the morning, then went to Ben's 29th birthday BBQ. They had a really nice set up in the garden, with the neighbors' tent on the deck and two grills and lots of good food. Hung out until about 8:00, then went home and did some work. Went over to Matt's and he helped me use GarageBand on my MacBook to edit together my music for my class.

Monday I slept in, did more work, then went to work. Don't remember anything else interesting.

Tuesday I worked in the morning and went to class in the evening. We started working through our acts, which was really fun. My idea is really solid and everyone laughed when they were supposed to, so I'm excited about it. It was a long night, though, because our guest speakers were willing to stay late and talk about makeup and hair and other stuff, and when experts are willing to share, you don't leave early. I was pretty beat by the end, though.


ADF said...

Hi, Joey. I hope we can see a preview of your performance when you're home (which will be soon!).

jshawflamm said...

You don't have to report on every day. I know that can get to be a drag. But we do really enjoy your posts.

Ben's party sounds like a great time. So nice Matt could help you with GarageBand.

A long night, and in that heat--whew! I'm excited about your act!