Thursday was my Saturday, so I slept in and then made zucchini chocolate chip bread and muffins, using zucchini from the CSA, as well as eggs. They are SO GOOD! I can hardly stand it. How can zucchini be so yummy?! Did some other things I've been wanting to get done, then went to my first work shift at the CSA. The deal is you pay for your share and then work two two-hour volunteer shifts to help keep the process running. I was 4pm to 6pm, so I found the delivery truck along the side of the school, helped unload the boxes upon boxes of veggies, rolled them inside, and checked people off the list as they came to pick up their stuff. It was nice to get an idea of who else is in the CSA, since I usually only see a couple people at a time. Lots of mid-twenties to mid-thirties Brooklyn couples, several with kids under 10. Turns out picking up your CSA share is a great counting exercise. Brought my stuff home, then made sausage, peppers, and onions with Matt. It was so good! Used peppers and onions and basil from the CSA. It was really delicious, and not very hard. We watched "Once," which is the movie the Oscar winning song was from last year. Sweet story. Oh, almost forgot! This week in my CSA share, I got:
-Swiss Chard
-Salad Mix
-Sweet Italian Peppers
You can also see my bread and muffins in the background.