Friday, May 30, 2008

LOST in Prospect Park

Thursday I slept in pretty late to make up for being out late at Hannah's birthday. Got up and washed dishes and took out a ton of trash and recycling that had been sitting around way too long. Decided to go enjoy the weather, so I went to Prospect Park. Ate the lunch I packed myself, then took a really long walk which took me through a part of the park I'd never seen before, so that was neat. Went almost all the way around the entire park, which is far. Stopped at the grocery store, then came home and relaxed. Made some chicken curry for dinner, which Matt and I ate while watching the two hour season finale of LOST. I probably don't have to say it again, but that show is soooooooo good.

On another note, there are a few more pictures up on my photo site. Check 'em out, link at left.

1 comment:

jshawflamm said...

Thought about how much pleasure it would give you when I heard there was a 2-hour finale. Nirvana!