Wednesday was the beginning of my 11-day work stretch. Ooooh boy. Woke up and went running in the morning to break in my new shoes. I went very slowly and stopped a lot, but the shoes are great! Went to work and was in a bad "back to work after vacation" mood, but I eventually snapped out of it.
Thursday morning I went for another run, but this time I ran to the Botanic Gardens to see the cherry blossoms. I became a member, so I got in for free and walked around enjoying

all the spring flowering plants. Beautiful, but sneezy. Made me think of this time last year, with graduation and Ben and Atsuko's wedding. Went to work, then met up after work with Matt, Sarah Diaz, and Drew Salisbury, who was in town. Sarah lives in the city but I hadn't hung out with her there until this occasion. Weird! Short but sweet visit, and we have an estimated one year to wait before Drew moves out here too. Hooray! (for Drew, not the waiting).
Added: the photo Ali pointed me to of the Brooklyn Museum and the cherry blossoms. Enjoy!
How nice that you belong to the Botanic Gardens--and how adult. Must have been fun to see Sarah & Drew. Does Bloomberg realize that Minnesota is colonizing New York?
One of my recent news articles advertised at the top of my gmail inbox was this article:
Hey look it's cherry blossoms!
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