Thursday, May 1, 2008

Get me to Florida!

Friday I worked in the morning, and all I wanted to do was get it over with so I could leave on my vacation! I was on the floor serving, and it had been a while, so it felt probably busier than it really was. Work ended, and I finally felt like I was actually leaving. I ran some errands on the way home, finished packing, and took the train to the airport. Met Matt at the terminal, got some dinner, and hopped on our plane, which left on time. It was JetBlue, which I'd never flown before, and it's fun because you can watch TV while you fly. I watched TLC, Matt watched Comedy Central, and we happily stereotyped ourselves all the way to Orlando. Arrived around 12:30 in a deserted airport, got our bags, and found Jordan! He came to pick us up in his shmancy new Prius, which is totally awesome. We went to IHOP, where we met up with Julie for late night second dinner. It was so great to see them! We caught up until Matt and I nearly fell asleep in our pancakes, and then we went back to their apartment. They live in a beautiful very "Florida" development in a two bedroom, two bath apartment. We got a room and a bathroom to ourselves, which was amazing. The place is so nice, all decorated like a place adults live. Plus, they have an adorable, if anxiety ridden, puppy named Sandy Plankton. Anticipating a big day at Disney, we hit the hay.

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