Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I was expecting a MONSTER ORCHID!

Tuesday I walked myself to the Botanic Gardens in search of this really rare orchid that was blooming in "captivity". It was supposed to be like 12 feet across, so I figured I'd better check it out. It was a lovely day to be outside enjoying some nature, but it turns out that while the orchid plant is big (maybe 6 feet across) the blooms are regular sized. Everyone seemed disappointed, which was pretty humorous. Still enjoyed myself. Got groceries on the way back, had lunch, and went to work. Late night, and then I wasn't paying attention and missed my transfer, so I ended up just going above ground and catching a cab. Doh!

Wednesday morning was hard, since I had to open, but I made it ok. Had a good day at work, came home and crashed, then made dinner with Matt and watched TV with Randy.


ADF said...

I suppose the really huge orchids are hard to keep in captivity. They'd need really high fences.

Working late and opening early sounds really hard. Glad you survived.

Hooray for Tina Fey!

jshawflamm said...

Tricked by an orchid misrepresenting itself. Of course, how bad can it be to get tricked into going to the Botanic Gardens?