Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Journey to the Past

Sunday was Renaissance Faire day! Kim and our friend Pearce from work are both working at the New York Renaissance Faire this year, so a bunch of us decided to take a day trip to see them. Matt and I went to pick up the ZipCar, then met up with Hannah, Randy, and Derek. The hour and a half drive took us through New Jersey just to get back to another part of New York, but it went pretty well and I navigated us there successfully, which is always a miracle. The Faire was really fun! We ate giant turkey legs, and the boys did archery and threw knives at things, and we saw a magic show, and Kim was in a production of Lysistrata, so we saw that. Pearce plays one of Robin Hood's merry men, so we saw him fight in a live chess match against the Sherrif of Nottingham. The day ended with a jousting match and a singalong. We were pretty beat after a day out in the sun, and the drive back took quite a bit longer, thanks to traffic, but we got home safe and sound, if a little headache-y.


jshawflamm said...

How fun! Kim makes a great faire maiden.

ADF said...

And how perfect that Pearce plays an archer!