Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So glad to not be an addict

Monday I did a little yoga, scheduled an audition, and poked around the house. Went to work, which was really slow, and found myself crabby for no reason, although I seemed to get over it by the end of the shift. Came home to the news that I've successfully secured a share in the Prospect Heights CSA for the summer, so starting mid-June I'll be getting weekly bags of crazy veggies and fruit from a local farmer. Good thing Kim gave me a book about vegetables for my birthday. The title of this post is a reference to the book I got from Mom and Dad, "Beautiful Boy." You've probably seen it at Starbucks. It's all about the author's son's meth addiction, and man, that's some serious stuff. I feel very lucky to not be a drug addict and to also not be related to one. Thanks, everyone involved in making that happen.


ADF said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend and really enjoyed the weather. You'll enjoy the CSA; just prepare to find 50 ways to use peppers! That book seems to have given you a case of schadenfreude (thanks to you I know what that means).

Aunt Leanne said...

Yum! It's wonderful to think that you will be getting all sorts of fresh produce this summer. You and Matt can get really creative!

jshawflamm said...

Rats! I was thinking of taking up meth.