Monday, April 14, 2008

Party all the time

Sunday morning I went to work, which was remarkably smooth for me. No troublesome guests or anything. Went home and took a nap, then went to dinner with Matt at Zaytoon's. Then, we got on the train for our adventure to Astoria, Queens for my friend Kevin's birthday. For those who don't know, getting to Queens from Brooklyn is incredibly difficult without a car. Or, if not difficult, at least illogical and cumbersome. We had to go through Manhattan, and it took us 50 minutes. Honestly, it wasn't so bad, but it explains why we don't go to Queens much. Anyway, Kevin's party was fun, lots of Bouchon folks were there, and Matt, Randy, Kim, and I split a cab home, which was really nice.

1 comment:

jshawflamm said...

Major party girl! Nice you could split a cab home--the little luxuries in life can be so sweet.